Established in 2023, Elite Recruits is dedicated to guiding athletes and families through the recruiting process. With a team of highly motivated and well connected individuals within the baseball community, we consistently secure placements for our athletes in top-tier universities. Our success is driven by our robust online presence and expansive network of college coaches.
As we continue to grow, our vision extends beyond borders, with plans to assist athletes internationally, having bigger guests on our podcast, more educational content, and the launch of an elite summer collegiate team based in South Florida. Apply now and join us as we redefine the future of baseball.
Our founder boasts a diverse baseball background, spanning from junior college to Division 1 levels. With a deep-rooted passion for the sport, he's dedicated to propelling athletes to the next level. Armed with firsthand experience and a robust network, he's committed to offering personalized guidance and support, ensuring every player reaches their full potential.
With an impressive track record of placing over 400 athletes into colleges and professional baseball, Willie is instrumental in guiding our athletes towards their goals and ensuring their success on and off the field. As the owner of USA Prime South Florida, he's dedicated to transforming the lives of athletes and shaping futures through baseball.
As a 2018 Draft pick by the San Diego Padres straight out of high school, Mikey knows firsthand the dedication and skill required to succeed at the highest levels of the game. Now, as one of the best up-and-coming hitting coaches in the nation, Mikey is passionate about sharing his expertise and helping athletes unlock their full potential.
From JUCO Bandit to standout pitcher at Savannah State University, Jared's journey shows determination and skill on the field with an impressive collegiate record boasting a 16-3 win ratio, a 3.52 ERA, and 122 strikeouts. Now, as part of our team, he brings his passion for the game to the next generation of athletes.
As a 2018 Draft pick by the San Diego Padres straight out of high school, Mikey knows firsthand the dedication and skill required to succeed at the highest levels of the game. Now, as one of the best up-and-coming hitting coaches in the nation, Mikey is passionate about sharing his expertise and helping athletes unlock their full potential.